“Shrine of the Desiccated Rats” by LadyBee (Christine Kirsten)
Burning Man Archivist and arts curator, Christine “LadyBee” Kirsten, will install her assemblage piece, “Shrine of the Dessicated Rats”, in the “Catacombs of Curiosity” (the network of odd and mysterious rooms lurking behind the Institute of Crazyology).
The Institute of Crazyology is very pleased to present new paintings by Peter Shaw. These will debut at the Crazyology Inaugural Ball on Sunday, June 20th.
MENDOCINO’/‘RedwoodDuff’2020-2021 environmental-painting series ——————————————————————————————————
The ‘MENDOCINO’/‘RedwoodDuff’2020-2021 environmental-painting series artworks are typically made outside and are made with paint on-paper and paint on-canvas utilizing the organic plant materials that comprise the natural ground-covering of the California Coastal Redwood Forest ie. redwood-duff.
Currently, Shaw is making 2-108”x114” on-canvas ‘MENDOCINO’2021 artworks; ‘LavenderMendocino’2021 and ‘BoogieMendocino’2021 as unique large-format environmental-paintings, on white/raw canvas.
Arranging lighting for the Institute of Crazyology. Ron Halbert and Maitland figuring it out. That’s an Asmat tribal war shield on the wall. With the uplighting the relief in the carving really pops beautifully.
Ron Halbert experiments with LED uplight as Maitland considers the effect.
On Saturday we will move the cat bases into place and on Sunday we will stand the Catoliths on their bases.
We’re making solid progress at the Institute of Crazyology, and if you like what you see then please don’t hesitate to support the effort:
We’ve raised $600. so far, and we’re very grateful for the support.